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In India Lara Croft is searching for an artefact known as the Infada Stone in the ruins of an ancient Hindu temple. After taking the artefact Lara is approached by RX Tech scientist
Dr. Willard, who explains that Polynesians came across a meteorite crater in Antarctica thousands of years ago and found that it held incredible power. Using rock from the meteorite, they crafted four crystalline artefacts, one of which is the Infada Stone.

I n d i a
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The four artefacts were distributed across the globe; one in India, onother one in London, the third one in Nevada and the final one in the South Pacific islands, so Willard asks Lara to find them. In London, Lara searches for the second artefact, the Eye of Isis, now in the possession of Sophia Leigh, a businesswoman who wants the artefact for her own benefit. 

L o n d o n
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After confronting Sophia, Lara obtains the artefact and flies to Nevada to get the next one. Once there, Lara makes her way through a desert canyon and breaks into the Area 51, where the third artefact, Element 115, is located

N e v a d a 

With the three artefacts Lara travels to a South Pacific island where she profanates a temple and defeats its deity, Puna, who has immense power granted by the fourth artefact, the Ora Dagger.

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S o u t h P a c i f i c
Captura de pantalla 2021-03-20 a las 9.p

After collecting all four artefacts, Lara travels to Antarctica and discovers that Dr. Willard is planning to use the knowledge gained from the meteorite to perform experiments with people and make horrible mutations. As Lara voices her opposition to his operation, Willard betrays her, steals the artefacts, and disappears into the excavation site.

A n t a r c t i c a

Lara faces Willard, who has now used the power of the four artefacts to greatly speed up the evolutionary processes of the human body and thereby turned himself into an awful creature. Lara deactivates the meteorite by recovering the artefacts and escapes.

more photos coming soon
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